Photographic Basics (Special Interest Group)
Contact: Gary Ford
In this special interest group, hosted by Gary Ford, members come together to build their basic photographic skills. The meeting is open to new photographers or those looking to boost their confidence. It runs the third Monday of the month, September through May.
Video with overview of SIG (members only) Why Photographic Basics? Learn the basics so you build a strong foundation for your current and future photographic work. In this SIG, we cover:
Meeting Format Meeting are conducted digitally via Zoom. To participate you will need a computer with a microphone and camera, or a smart tablet. You must pre-register to receive the link to the Zoom meetings. What to expect
Meetings have two segments:
meeting times & TOPICS
We meet the third Monday of the month (except for December) at 7:00 p.m., for approximately 75-90 minutes. The order of topics and the schedule below is tentative.
See recordings of 2021-2022 meetings (members only) past meetings: Sep 2021 to Jun 2022
Generally, we will meet via Zoom on the second Monday of a month except in September (third Monday)