Activities: Dec 2024
Tue Dec 3 - Webinar: Sheila Wiwchar presents "Country Skies" - 6 PM (MST) (online only)
Manitoba Camera Club presents Sheila Wiwchar, a self-taught photographer and accomplished astrophotographer. She will talk about photographing the skies and the countryside.
Sat Dec 7 - O3C New Judge Course - 8 to 4 PM (MST) (online only) SOLD OUT
The Ontario Council of Camera Clubs (O3C) will put on its one-day judges course for Alberta Camera Club Alliance member clubs. The online course will cover the fundamentals of Photo Judging, the O3C Scoring Model, constructive commenting, differences in various genres and categories, photo essays and much more.
Sun Dec 8 - Christmas Streetcar Outing - 4 PM (RESCHEDULED DATE)
Take a 45 min return trip from the Old Strathcona Streetcar Barn, across the High Level Bridge to Government Centre Plaza and back.
Mon Dec 9 - Webinar: Adam Gibbs presents "Light & Land" - 7 PM (MST) (online only)
ACCA presents renown landscape photographer Adam Gibbs discussing his magical use of light to capture the world around us.
Thu Dec 12 - Holiday Social (In person only; 7 PM)
- Pleasantview Community Hall
- David Aaron, former IACC member, presents "Edmonton Then and Now" slideshow
- Simple potluck finger food (club will provide beverages)
Tue Dec 17: Webinar - Freeman Patterson presents "Connection Between Art & Craft" - 7 PM (online only)
Freeman Patterson presents "The Important Connection Between Art and Craft and Why It Matters to Photographers." This webinar is
Fri Dec 20: Outing to Luminaria 4-7 PM
Join us for a magical evening of photography at Luminaria 2024 (U of A Botanic Gardens). We have arranged early access at 4 PM on Fri Dec 20, 2024, giving us a special opportunity to capture the stunning illuminated displays before public entry.